TCW220 – Ethernet data logger and TCW241 – Ethernet I/O now support TLS protocol.TLS (Transport Layer Security) and SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) protocols are providing encryption of data between client and server when data is transmitted over an insecure channel such as the Internet, for example – sending mail.

TCW220-and-TCW241-now-support-TLS-protocolSSL v3.0 is considered finally unusable security protocol. It is believed that TLS v1.0 as a direct successor to SSL v3.0 is just a little more sure of it. Later versions TLS v1.1 and TLS v1.2 is considered significantly more secure and are widely used.

For the above reasons, most recently public mail servers like,,, etc., refused to support SSL v3.0 and now work only with TLS.

These changes led us to realize the support of TLS protocol for the SMTP clients, dedicated to controllers series TCW2xx. The controllers mainly work with TLS v1.2 and TLS v1.1, but for compatibility with any servers as maintain less secure TLS v1.0.

Our free service – TCW Gateway for controllers TCW2xx will be stopped until the end of the year.

More information and new FW versions can be found on product pages of TCW220 and TCW241. We strongly recommend updating your controllers.

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