TCW240B support SSL (Secure Socket Layer), but doesn’t support TLS and STARTTLS.There are 3 important setting that should be set up carefully to use functionality e-mail alert.

1.Network Setup

IP address, Subnet mask, Default gateway and DNS fields on “Network setup” page, should be set.
DNS field is mandatory when you use domain names instead of IP addresses for a mail server and time server. If your ISP doesn’t have some specific DNS address, DNS is same like Default gateway.
Google’s DNS ( and are also a good choice.
An example of valid configuration is:


2.Time Server Setup

For most mail servers proper time settings are very important. Of time e-mails can be rejected as a spam.
Time server setup can be made in page Setup > System

  • Enter a valid public time server in the Time server field on “System” page. There are many free time servers, but we recommend

Valid DNS is mandatory when you use a domain name instead of IP addresses for the time server.

  • Enter your time zone in Time zone field on “Network setup” page. Like example for GMT + 4:30 you should enter “+0430”.

Examples of valid configuration are:


3.SMTP Setup

Enter a valid SMTP parameters (Mail server, Port, Sender e-mail, Username, and Password) on “Network setup” page.The mail server can be specified either by IP address or by a domain name. The domain name can be used only if a valid DNS server is specified.Standard port for SMTP is 25. In some cases, internet providers change the number of port for security reasons.Sender e-mail, Username, and Password are details for the account on the used mail server.

Examples of valid configuration for Gmail are shown below:


When all 3 important settings above are done, test e-mail can be sent via button “Send test e-mail”.
If all settings are correct it few minutes e-mail should be received. In another case, all settings should be checked again.
Some mail servers use restrictions for connected apps and sites.For example, Gmail doesn’t allow by default “non-Google apps and devices use less secure sign-in”. To send emails via Gmail account this should be enabled in following steps:

  • Log in Gmail account;
  • Press “Settings” button


  • Chose “Settings”


  • Chose “Accounts and Import”


  • Chose “Other Google Account settings”


  • Chose “Connected apps and sites”


  • Allow less secure apps ON


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