T-Tool is a command utility software that is designed for testing and debugging Teracom modules.

The software was developed by Elso Philips Service, which is our partner for the territory of the Czech Republic and Slovakia. The software can be downloaded from the here.
Do you want to find out whether your device is available in your network? Want to test communication with your module using SNMP, HTTP Get, or Modbus TCP protocols? Are you looking for a tool to test HTTP Post communication? All these tasks can be completed in seconds using T-Tool.
Thanks to the functional user interface, we can quickly switch the following tabs (operating modes):

  • Discovery – used for the detection of TCW devices on the local network. After detecting the devices, the following information is displayed: Hostname, Device MAC address, IP address, device model, and Firmware version. Double-clicking on the device’s IP address will open the device’s user interface in a web browser.command-utility-software-Discovery
  • Data –  this mode is used to send HTTP requests to the device and display the received response. The “Get status.xml” button can be used to request the status.xml file from the TCW device. It is also possible to use the command line for sending a custom HTTP command. The command must be in the format: “GET /status.xml?ron=1 HTTP/1.1”, where “ron=1” is a command that activates relay 1. If the HTTP API authentication is enabled, the command must be in the format: GET /status.xml?a=admin:admin&ron=1 HTTP/1.1, where “admin:admin” are the user name and the password of the device. By clicking the “Send and show” button, the HTTP request will be sent, and the response to the request will be displayed in the field below. Teracom TCW devices always send the status.xml file in response to a received HTTP request. A detailed description of the HTTP commands supported by each model can be found in the user manual of the respective product.
  • Modbus – in this mode the user can send Modbus TCP commands and see the response of the device. The IP address, communication port, function code, modbus register, and data length and format are set. By clicking the “Send Modbus TCP” button the command is sent to the controller. In the field below, both the sent command and the received response are displayed. The example below shows a command to read a temperature sensor connected to a TCW241 controller. The answer is 34.0505. The address table of the Modbus registers can be found in the manual of the product.command-utility-software-Modbus
  • SNMP – used to send SNMP Get and SNMP Set commands to the TCW controller. To send a command, it is necessary to set the IP address of the device, port, OID (OID Prefix + OID Id), Read / Write Community, data type, and Value (for SNMP Set commands). The command, as well as the received answer, are visualized in the field below. In the example shown, the following commands are sent: SNMP Get for the status of Relay 1, SNMP Set to turn on Relay 1 and SNMP Get to read the value of Sensor 1.command-utility-software-SNMP
  • SNMP Trap – this mode of operation makes it possible to receive SNMP Trap messages. It is necessary to set the application listening port and to start the server. The example below shows a received SNMP Trap message, which shows the value of the analog input – 4996 (the value is multiplied by 1000).command-utility-software-SNMP-Trap
  • HTTP Server – this mode of operation allows for testing the HTTP Post communication method, which is supported by models with Ethernet interface TCW2xx, as well as by devices with cellular connectivity. T-Tool can act as an HTTP server and display the content of the received HTTP post requests. To do this, select a listening port and press the “Start HTTP Server” button. T-Tool also allows you to insert a command that is sent in the response to the received HTTP request. In the example below, the HTTP server is running on port 1080 and has received an HTTP request from the TCW241 controller with IP address In the response to the HTTP request, the command set FIN is included, which causes the session to be closed. More information about HTTP post communication can be found in the following article: ххх. command-utility-software-HTTP-Post
  • Log -shows the results of the performed actions.

T-Tool is a handy tool for testing and debugging Teracom TCW modules. A detailed description of the communication protocols can be found in the descriptions of the individual products.

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